Here are the bases of our Contest 1 Articles National Business Law. All are called to participate:
Business Law Workshop "Ulises Montoya Manfredi (TDE) is an academic space created by students Faculty of Law of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, in order to expand knowledge in a subject that has acquired great significance in social, legal and economic.
In order to promote a culture of legal research and innovation, according to its Statute, the TDE has organized the "First National Competition Law Articles Commercial / Business. "
The goal with this contest is to recognize publicly the contribution of young students academic entrepreneurs, innovators and future professionals in Law ..
This is an open invitation to the "First National Law Articles Commercial / Business", spreading the basis of it.
COMPETITION RULES 1. Can participate in the Competition Law Undergraduate students who have not completed their studies of any university nationwide.
2. Participation is individual. Each author may submit only an article of a specific subject, such as: Corporate Law, Foreign Exchange Law, Consumer Law, Bankruptcy Law, Commercial Contracts, Law and other Commercial / Business.
3. Articles should be written in English, be original and unpublished, therefore, are ineligible to contest the articles:
a) publication rights are committed or have been committed to some institution or media.
b) Presented to any other competition, in the case of failure to be aware of the respective judges.
c) They have won awards at other national or international competitions.
Items submitted without observing the restrictions will be disqualified by the Jury, with the exception of the contest. A
a) The length of articles should be no less than 20 pages or more than 30 pages, A4 size, 1.5 line spacing and font Arial 12. The length of articles includes: title, summary, content, academic contribution and conclusions.
b) The term academic contribution, the proposed solution to a legal problem, legal interpretation, legislative amendment or judicial institution study, etc.
c) Projects must As scientists have, that is, the strict use of techniques and other citation.
5. Submission of articles
a) The article is presented in print and on magnetic media (CD). The identification of the author is only a pseudonym, the same to be entered on the face of work and the participation to be recorded.
b) In conjunction with the article, you submit a sealed envelope with the pseudonym, which will contain a sheet with the following information: First National Law Articles Commercial / Business "personal data: name complete copy of ID, if applicable, or copy of birth, address, telephone, email, University of belonging and grade. This envelope will be sealed at the time of submission and will only be opened by the jury, when we have the final result.
c) The papers will be presented, as indicated, in any of the following locations:
- Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Law, San Marcos Av Venezuela s / n, University City, Lima 1 - Peru.
- Leon Barandiaran & DEL CARPIO MONTOYA ATTORNEY 590 Calle San Antonio Vargas Machuca. Miraflores (. Dr. Hernando Montoya Alberti).
- Lawyers CASTELLARE Consultores, Av José Gálvez Barrenechea No. 246 San Isidro-Alt Corpac Puente Quiñones. (Dr. Rolando Aguilar Castellares).
awards First Place:
a) S /. 1000 00 nuevos soles.
b) Publication of article in a legal journal Law Gazette.
Paper Second Place:
a) S /. 500 00 nuevos soles
b) Publication of article in a legal journal Law Gazette.
c) Third Place Book
a) Books of Commercial / Business.
All items will be submitted to the contest blogs published on the brainstem.
7. Jury
the Jury shall consist of the following teachers: Ricardo Beaumont Callirgos, Ulises Montoya Alberti, Hernando Montoya Alberti, Walter Gutierrez Camacho, Oswaldo Hundskopf Exebio, Castellares Rolando Aguilar, Victor Toro and J. Llanos María Elena Guerra Cerrón.
The jury reserves the right to declare the contest, if it considers that none of the papers submitted meet the specifications or not an academic contribution.
schedule items may be submitted until October 16, 2010 and the Jury's decision will be announced 30 October 2010. The jury has the power to extend the deadline for the evaluation of articles based on the number of shares. If there is additional time, it will be advertised.
The awards ceremony will be held in public the second week of November this year at the Law School of San Marcos. If winners can not attend in person will receive the award by an accredited representative.
The public event will consist of an academic event, with the participation of exhibitors in the field of teaching business law and competition winners, who will present their papers and receive a certificate of participation and prize money.
Presenting a paper to the Competition implies the author's commitment not to withdraw their participation made public before the final decision of the jury, and not to disseminate or publish the article submitted. Also implies knowledge of the terms and conditions described in these rules, knowing and voluntary acceptance without reservations of the same, as well as fully subject to the decisions of the Jury. Workshop
Neither the jury nor maintain correspondence with the authors that are presented to the contest. Nor is providing information on the valuation of their respective articles.
have any questions or interpretation of the databases can communicate with the organizing committee, through the institutional mail referring taller.umontoyam @ or cell phone numbers: 993296429 / 996560204.
of a major controversy in the interpretation of the bases and requirements, the commission will be adjudicating at last instance.