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- Normative entry to the Port of Santa Cruz de La Palma LINKS
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- maritime signal Puerto de Santa Cruz de La Palma LINKS
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- Webcam Brena Baja coast (East) LINK
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- virtual sailing school LINK
Monday, May 23, 2011
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The purpose of this guide and sections that component, is regulate com requests made in the Canary Islands, lay the basis for selection for teams traveling to national and international races, establish subsidies for travel and competitions, organizing regular competitions and set a timetable them.
The responsibility for complying with this Guide will be in charge of the Technical Committee appointed by the Governing Board of the Canarian Sailing Federation, also resolve issues that may arise regarding the interpretation of it. Decisions must be made by simple majority of members of the Committee.
criteria and provisions contained in this Guide will apply during the year 2011 and in any case until the guide is approved for the year 2012.
To download the Guide CLICK HERE
Source: CRC Blog La Palma
Sunday, May 22, 2011
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The Canary Championship Optimist Class Regatta Canary Day held in the waters of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on 28, 29 and 30 May 2011, organized by the Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria with the collaboration and sponsorship of the Canary Islands and the collaboration of the Island Sailing Federation Gran Canaria, Canarian Sailing Federation which has the patronage of Naviera Armas.
absence of a little over a week, we remind you that we plan to move to Canary Optimist Championship to be organized by the Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria on 28, 29 and May 30 , coinciding with the feast of our region. Not out yet the Notice of Race but since we have in our possession, we will attach it so they know it.
This time we will stay at the Real Club Victoria, in the shelter of the Sailing School, comfortable, spacious and full street from the beach of Las Canteras. Travel this time with the company Binter Canarias and boats will be sent to RCNGC with the help and collaboration of our sponsor Naviera Armas. The trip will cost about 185 € uros and called for the occasion will be (in order of ranking of CIDNLP):
· Jesus David Ramirez
· Gara García Galdós
· Morera Marco Cabrera
· Jhon Eduard Ramirez
· Oscar Alonso
· Argelio Diaz
Saturday, May 21, 2011
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Over 100 young people participated in the Journey of Initiation into organized Watersports by the Ministry of Sports, Hon. Cabildo Insular de La Palma, through the Island Water Sports Centre of La Palma, where the inner harbor of the Port of S / C de La Palma became a theme park Introduction to Sailing. The IES Luis Cuevas Cobiella classrooms changed its regular center by the blue sea giving the past week quoted an initiation activity of water sports by the Island Sailing School - Island Water Sports Centre of La Palma.
The aim is to bring young people from the island to the sea, so they know water sports and particularly that of the Vela call being a success as about 120 kids were able to practice other sports, unknown to the vast majority of them.
Over on 11, 13, 19 and 20 May, Bay S / C de La Palma turned into a theme park, where youth, 12 to 16 years old had a great time. Coaches of the Centre participated actively with the faculty of the IES, for each participant to feel happy at sea and understand the fundamental principles that both move in the water to beach activities with marine games, and at sea with sailing.
The activity began on Wednesday May 11 in the morning with 3 of the ESO, where half of the children started to embark on the boats, while the other half , were active in Bajamar Palya, waiting to embark on a boat (Raqueros for this occasion.) Dressed in vests and trainers attended to by the CRC La Palma, new sailors lost their fear and after the first hour is devoted entirely to enjoy the sea in the inner harbor and then, salir a mar abierto para poder sentir las sensaciones de la navegación en aguas exteriores.
Tras una comida llena de risas, nervios y mucha fiesta, se cambiaron los grupos, los que habían hecho actividades en la playa pasaron a navegar a vela, y los que habían navegado en los barcos de vela ligera comenzaron las actividades en la playa. La climatología también colaboró con la actividad, y pese a la previsión de lluvias, el sol se mantuvo en todo lo alto y el chubasco esperó a que los chicos recogieran todo el material antes de descargar parte del agua que se esperaba para esos días.
On Friday May 13 became the sun and good weather, although the wind was conspicuous by his absence, although the children's party grew. Everyone wanted to do everything and sometimes had difficulty deciding whether to return to the beach, go on boats or sailing. The most important thing is that everyone wanted to repeat, go back to spend a great day at sea, in a medium that had been strange so far for them and now remembered as one of the most exciting adventure few have experienced.
By next Friday, 4 of the ESO took over, although the previous day could not attend the little ones by collective punishment for inappropriate behavior at its center. A shame they could not enjoy your day, but after 3 days of about 40 children per day, signed the 120 kids who went through our facilities.
This initiative could not have been done without the close collaboration of the IES Luis Cobiella and their teachers, led by PE teacher Gorka, who carried out his mastery of the Vela University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, without HE support. Cabildo Insular de La Palma, and without the commitment of the CRC The Palma is deeply involved in the activity and put the necessary resources for the development of the activity. But above all, without the work of coaches Island Sailing School to put all their effort because the kids could enjoy a few days of water fun.
The following weeks we will visit the CEIP Puntallana, with nearly 100 children in the municipality to which they honor and repeat for the third year in this project "La Vela the Cole. "
Thursday, May 19, 2011
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011
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Fragment de entrevista a Eduardo Admetlla,nacido en Barcelona, enero de 1924
Este elegante y menudo caballero catalán es una leyenda viva del submarinismo: pionero, inventor de equipos estancos para cámaras, probador de material para la firma Nemrod, filmógrafo, explorador y divulgador, fue el primer hombre en la Historia que logró bajar a 100 metros de profundidad y regresó desde allá para contarlo. Era 1957
Cousteau patentó la escafandra autónoma en muchos países menos en España –era de los que consideraban que África empieza en los Pirineos–, así que creé my own diving and patent. It was the start of diving in Spain and the Centre for Underwater Research and Recovery (CRIS).
The famous gentlemen of CRIS.
So call us. There was no body of state divers, we encargábamos of submarine rescue. We were released with the recovery of bodies from a plane Aviaco that sank 62 meters deep. Received many awards and honors.
world record was deep.
The record was in 92, mine at 86, and thought: "For six meters ...". I took the test and the 100 .
conference in 1977 on the island of La Palma in the documentary series entitled "The Call of the depths."
At the end of the video can be seen as a diver is attacked by a team of angel shark off the coast of Fuencaliente.