The House approves an ordinance that puts an end to the use of the beach, after complaints gotten both the dangers of fishing in swimming areas and by the use made by hippies of the facilities. The beach at El Puerto, despite the high volume of swimmers who receives each year, did not use standards.
M. CHACON, Tazacorte
Tazacorte City Council approved at its last plenary session of the legislature's first ordinance to use and enjoy the beaches of the municipality, especially the Port, which is the bathing area greater use in the town and one of the most visited of the island in season summer. This beach, although the volume of swimmers who receives each year, had no rules to regulate the management of it.
With the new ordinance puts an end to the use of the beaches of the town, combining the right we all have to enjoy them with the duty of the council, within the framework of its competencies, the ensure the rational use of these, both on land and in a strip of up to 200 meters offshore. Will be the agents of the authority responsible for ensuring that no breach of the provisions contained in the relevant ordinance instituting disciplinary proceedings.
Fishing .- The main novelty in the rules of use, in the presence of recent complaints from users who were leaving the beach of the port in the presence of people who were active in fishing ground in the bathing area, with the consequent danger to the people, the council has decided to ban fishing from the shore and underwater, from 10:00 am to 21:00 pm, to avoid possible damage that gear used can cause other users.
is considered necessary to take this decision to the massive presence of fans of fishing that are close to the beach attracted by the presence in sea fish (sea bass and sea bream) outside the cages often installed in marine farms in this part of the coast of La Palma.
Hippies .- other hand, emphasizes the prohibition of camping on the beach and use it, together with the facilities made available for other activities unrelated to the purpose of this space , say personal hygiene, physiological stool, kitchen or peddling.
In this way, the council tries to curb stay all day for those who use the beach to end individuals not adapted to the enjoyment of an event devoted to the toilet, especially a group of hippies who have focused on the Puerto occupying the caves of the Time and use the beach facilities for activities not allowed.
.- Not Disturb Since the ride, stay peaceful and bath on the beach and the sea take precedence over any other use is generally prohibited during the season bathroom, in the sandy beach and sea water, carrying out all kinds of activities, games and exercises that may offend other users, except for events of sporting or leisure organized by the council itself.
thus be prevented, in addition, littering, using devices that emit noise (loud music), the passage of vehicles, navigation within 200 meters, any advertising, access to animals (except guide dogs) and make fires (less than festive events.)
Penalties .- The ordinance also includes a system of penalties according to the limits imposed, considering the violations or breaches of it, by rating, from mild to severe. In this regard, minor infringements will be punished with fines of up to 300 euros, while serious economic sanctions could lead to up to 3,000 euros.
To determine the amount of sanctions will be considered repeat offenders and the degree of disruption caused to the environment or people. Administrative responsibilities arising from compatible with the requirement the offender from the replacement of the altered situation.
is mandatory to have specific staff to rescue
Article 21 of the Ordinance of beaches City Council approved Tazacorte collected, in the chapter on security and safety, in the bathing areas of the town, apart from the strength of the local police, should have specific staff to monitor compliance with all prevented in municipal legislation passed. Thus, the local government with responsibility for managing the use of the beaches, in order to prevent it relevant to survival and safety of human lives, should provide adequate staff conveniently positions that exist in rescuing them. To do this, install the towers it deems sufficient to monitor the environment of the bathing areas where masts are located will raise a flag indicating, by its different color, sea state as to the suitability of its use for bathing. For now, the only vantage Tazacorte is installed on the beach of El Puerto, where the security personnel were hired temporarily located in the holiday period to monitor the beach.
SOURCE: days. Is
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