Fragment de entrevista a Eduardo Admetlla,nacido en Barcelona, enero de 1924
Este elegante y menudo caballero catalán es una leyenda viva del submarinismo: pionero, inventor de equipos estancos para cámaras, probador de material para la firma Nemrod, filmógrafo, explorador y divulgador, fue el primer hombre en la Historia que logró bajar a 100 metros de profundidad y regresó desde allá para contarlo. Era 1957
Cousteau patentó la escafandra autónoma en muchos países menos en España –era de los que consideraban que África empieza en los Pirineos–, así que creé my own diving and patent. It was the start of diving in Spain and the Centre for Underwater Research and Recovery (CRIS).
The famous gentlemen of CRIS.
So call us. There was no body of state divers, we encargábamos of submarine rescue. We were released with the recovery of bodies from a plane Aviaco that sank 62 meters deep. Received many awards and honors.
world record was deep.
The record was in 92, mine at 86, and thought: "For six meters ...". I took the test and the 100 .
conference in 1977 on the island of La Palma in the documentary series entitled "The Call of the depths."
At the end of the video can be seen as a diver is attacked by a team of angel shark off the coast of Fuencaliente.
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